Painting Exhibition by John Eberly

1. PRAETERITO, PRAESENS, FUTURA 24" x 36," acrylic on canvas, 2000.

2. DAT ROSA MEL APIBUS 24" x 36," acrylic on canvas, 2000.

3. VON CHRISTI TESTAMENTEN 24" X 36," acrylic on canvas, 2000.

4. ATALANTA FUGIENS (EMBLEM #21) 36" X 36," acrylic on canvas, 2000.

5. AZOTH 18" x 24" acrylic on canvas, 2000.

Note: All Contents of this Exhibit, Paintings and Commentaries are copyright © by John Eberly, 2001. All paintings are from the private collection of Dennis Langley and are reproduced with prior permission. No reproduction of the paintings or commentaries are permitted without the consent of John Eberly and Dennis Langley.

Photography Courtesy of Don Fullmer

Commentaries on the Paintings by the Artist

1. Commentary on Praeterito, Praesens, Futura

2. Commentary on Dat Rosa Mel Apibus

3. Commentary on Von Christi Testamentum

4. Commentary on Atalanta Fugiens

5. Commentary on Azoth

Contact Information

John Eberly
10510 S. Partridge Rd.
Partridge, Kansas 67566
telephone: 620/567-2223