We will be expanding our archival selections, offering works directly or tangentially related to our articles. Additionally we will archive Esoterica: The Journal of Esoteric Studies issues, book reviews, dissertations, image files, and articles from past issues.Our aim is not, for the most part, to offer entire translations online, but rather to offer reliable, citable excerpts from influential primary esoteric works not available elsewhere. If you would like to help us in this effort, whether by translating or by scanning in texts and images, please let us know by email at studies@esoteric.msu.edu.
Current Issue:
Volume III
Volume III (2001) Contents
[Editor's note: These articles are lengthy, full-length studies, so they take a couple minutes to load. Be patientit'll be worth it!]
Arthur Versluis, "Editor's Remarks on Esoterica Volume III (2001)"
Lee Irwin, "Western Esotericism, Eastern Spirituality, and the Global Future,"
pp. 1-47
Harry Oldmeadow, "The Western Quest for 'Secret Tibet'," pp. 48-107
John of Morigny, Prologue to Liber Visionum [c. 1304 - 1311]
Translated, Edited, and Introduced
by Claire Fanger and Nicholas Watson (New format: pdf files)
More to come!
Volume II(2000) Contents
[Editor's note: These articles are lengthy, full-length studies, so they take a couple minutes to load. Be patientit'll be worth it!]
Wouter Hanegraaff, "Sympathy or the Devil: Renaissance Magic and the Ambivalence of Idols" pp. 1-44
[faster loading version]
Marsha Keith Schuchard,"Why Mrs. Blake Cried: Blake, Swedenborg, and the Sexual Basis of Spiritual Vision"
[faster loading version]
Paul Wesley Hofreiter, "Notes on Piano Sonata 19"
pp. 94-99
Listen to the Sonata by clicking here (RealPlayer format)
Download a free version of RealPlayer G2
More to come, including an online art exhibition and an online lecture!
Book Reviews
Harold Bloom, Omens of the Millennium pp. 100-106
Ted Anton, Eros, Magic, and the Murder of Professor Culianu pp. 107-113
Kathleen Rosenblatt, Daumal pp. 144-116
Paul Allen, Synoptic Art pp. 117-122
Adamantius pp. 123-124
Charles Leland, Aradia pp. 125-129
Jan Bondeson, The Feejee Mermaid pp. 130-131
Eliot Wolfson, Circle in the Square pp. 132-138
Theo Paijmans, John Worrell Keely pp. 139-141
Walter Benjamin's Radio Talks for Children pp. 142-143
Archival Works
Dionysius the Areopagite, The Celestial Hierarchy pp. 148-202 Mystical Theology pp. 203-211
More to come!
Contents of Volume I (1999)
"Some Remarks on the Study of Western Esotericism"
Wouter Hanegraaff
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 3-19
"Western Esotericism and the Harmony Society"
Arthur Versluis
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 20-47
"Another Eve: A Case Study in the Earliest Manifestations of Christian Esotericism"
Laura Hobgood-Oster
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 48-60
"Following Lucifer: Miltonic Evil as Gnostic Cabala"
Philip Beitchman
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 61-78
"Stages of Ascension in Hermetic Rebirth"
Dan Merkur
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 79-96
"Things Done Wisely by a Wise Enchanter: Negotiating the Power of Words in the Thirteenth Century"
Claire Fanger
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 97-132
"The Alchemy of the Voice at Ephrata Cloister"
Jan Stryz
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 133-159
Archival texts
Georg von Welling, Opus Mago-Cabalisticum et Theosophicum (1735) Esoterica I(1999): pp. 160-171
Johannes Kelpius, A Short, Easy and Comprehensive Method of Prayer, (1761 trs.) Esoterica I(1999): pp. 172-198
George Rapp, Thoughts on the Destiny of Man (1824/1825)
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 199-204
Hirtenbrief, [Pastoral Letter] as distributed by the Harmony Society (1855) Esoterica I(1999): pp. 205-241
Book reviews
Brian Gibbons, Gender and Mysticism
Esoterica I(1999):242-243
Andrew Weeks, German Mysticism and Boehme
Esoterica I(1999):244-245
Jean Servier, ed., Dictionnaire critique de L'Ésotérisme,
Esoterica I(1999):246-247
Articles, by author
Beitchman, Philip
"Following Lucifer: Miltonic Evil as Gnostic Cabala"
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 61-78
Fanger, Claire
"Things Done Wisely by a Wise Enchanter: Negotiating the Power of Words in the Thirteenth Century"
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 97-132
Hanegraaff, Wouter
"Some Remarks on the Study of Western Esotericism"
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 3-19
"Sympathy or the Devil: Renaissance Magic and the Ambivalence of Idols"* Esoterica II(2000)pp. 1-44, [ faster loading version]
Hobgood-Oster, Laura
"Another Eve: A Case Study in the Earliest Manifestations of Christian Esotericism"
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 48-60
Hofreiter, Paul Wesley
"Notes on Piano Sonata 19"
pp. 94-99
Merkur, Dan
"Stages of Ascension in Hermetic Rebirth"
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 79-96
Schuchard, Marsha Keith
"Why Mrs. Blake Cried: Blake, Swedenborg, and the Sexual Basis of Spiritual Vision"*
[faster loading version]
Stryz, Jan
"The Alchemy of the Voice at Ephrata Cloister"
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 133-159
Versluis, Arthur
"Western Esotericism and the Harmony Society"
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 20-47
Archival Texts
Georg von Welling, Opus Mago-Cabalisticum et Theosophicum (1735)
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 160-171
Johannes Kelpius, A Short, Easy and Comprehensive Method of Prayer, (1761 trs.)
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 172-198
George Rapp, Thoughts on the Destiny of Man (1824/1825)
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 199-204
Hirtenbrief, [Pastoral Letter] as distributed by the Harmony Society (1855)
Esoterica I(1999): pp. 205-241
New! Dionysius the Areopagite: Celestial Hierarchy and Mystical Theology
Book reviews
*Adamantius*Esoterica II(2000): pp. 123-124
Paul Allen, *Synoptic Art*Esoterica II(2000): pp. 117-122
Ted Anton, *Eros, Magic, and the Murder of Professor Culianu*Esoterica II(2000): pp. 107-113
*Walter Benjamin's Radio Talks for Children*Esoterica II(2000): pp. 142-143
Harold Bloom, *Omens of the Millennium* Esoterica II(2000): pp. 100-106
Jan Bondeson, *The Feejee Mermaid* Esoterica II(2000):pp. 130-131
Brian Gibbons, Gender and Mysticism
Esoterica I(1999): 242-243
Charles Leland, *Aradia*Esoterica II(2000): pp. 125-129
Theo Paijmans, *John Worrell Keely*Esoterica II(2000): pp. 139-141
Kathleen Rosenblatt, *Daumal*Esoterica II(2000): pp. 144-116
Jean Servier, ed., Dictionnaire critique de L'Ésotérisme,
Esoterica I(1999): 246-247
Andrew Weeks, German Mysticism and Boehme
Esoterica I(1999): 244-245
Eliot Wolfson, *Circle in the Square* pp. 132-138